Sunday 3 July 2011

Day 63...

It is Sunday today and thanks to our neighbours Ollie and Trish we have been booked into the Independence Day lunch at the Droushia Hills Taverna with Mum and Dad.  We know Independence Day isnt till tomorrow but I guess it was the closest they could get to it!!

Before they arrived we just had to get one little job done - John cannot let a day go by without ticking at least one job off of the list. 

Today we tackled making the fly screens for the small windows that are in the dining room area.  This is a before and after shot - you can see the left hand one complete and the right hand one before we made the flyscreen. 

It just means we will be able to have the windows open now and not worry about any of the iggies that are airborne!!  And you have seen some of the wildlife that is available and it is scarey!!!

Before Mum and Dad arrived Sean and Sharon's visitors came in to say goodbye as they have to be off early in the morning.  They have packed so much into their week it is unbelievable and they are hoping that they will be able to come back at some point.  In fact they are interested in buying one of the bankrupt villas opposite if only we knew who owned them we could point them in the right direction - although we really like the quiet it is nice to have one or two people around regularly.

Thought you might like to see the outside shower being used.  Normally John bans me from getting anywhere near with a camera but today he had his swim shorts on so that was ok - he still has a bit of a squadie suntan but it is gradually getting better!!!

He does plan to put some sort of modesty screen up at some point so that anyone who fancies showering 'au naturelle' can do so without fear of anyone else seeing them!

Anyway on to the rest of the day...

Mum and Dad arrived at about 11.30 and we sat outside having a drink before getting ready to go out for lunch.  The Droushia Hills Taverna is just down the road from us.  Unfortunately it is now only open for special occasions (this being one).  Not sure exactly why but we do know that Kelly who runs it lost her father last year and the taverna closed soon afterwards.  It is a shame because it is a lovely building and very near to us.

We had a lovely lunch - it was buffet style and it just kept coming and coming and coming...  There was fresh bread and olives, salads of all different kinds, ribs, roast potatoes, corn on the cob and southern style chicken all hot and fresh.  No sooner did something start to get low than it was replenished.  Some people seemed to go round for about the fourth time!!!

For pud there were home-made chocolate brownies, cookies, a peach trifle and water melon all washed down on our table with copious amounts of red wine - three litres in fact and mainly by Dad and John!!!

To accompany the food there was music from the Harry Hawkins Sunset Band.  A bit of a misnomer as it was lunchtime!!  Anyway,  the three members were really good - the man on keyboards was really enjoying himself, the man on guitar was excellent and had a lovely singing voice and Harry (who is coming up to 80!) played the drums and tenor horn and cornet!! 

Harry's wife Sheila is the lady who has written several books about their experiences when they moved to Neo Chorio about 30-odd years ago and which I found really inspirational when we were planning our move out here.

There were two raffles for charity one which reimbursed two people for their meal (we didnt win that one unfortunately!!) and another with a variety of different prizes.  Mum won a murder mystery jigsaw that we are planning to do at Christmas - Dad is very unimpressed!!!

John and I won a sculpture by a local artist of a gecko on a stone which we have places on the hearth in the lounge for the time being until we can decide exactly where it should go.

We finally left at about 5-ish I think and Dad snuck in a zizz sitting on Trev in the shade.  Mum, John and I watched the Wimbledon men's final but it wasnt the most inspiring of games.  Suitably refreshed we sat down in the evening sun for a quick best of three - Mum and I partners this time and guess what - we lost!!

Just had a text from Mum to say that that they have arrived home safely - bet the incredibly snorey man visits both her and I tonight!!!

We are fully skyped up tonight having spoken to my sister (whilst Mum and Dad were here) and John has had a lovely long chat with his mum and stepdad.

Another week comes to an end - no shipwrecks and nobody drownded!

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