Monday 4 July 2011

Day 63...

Well it will come as no surprise that I didn't really sleep very well last night because John was snoring, talking and wriggling like a good 'un - I wonder why???  Also I was keeping an ear open for Sharon and Sean's neighbours to call in early to drop off the keys before they set off for the airport and I had visions that John 'I always get up at around 7.00 am' just wasnt going to make it.  Consequently I got up at around 6.00 am planning to read a couple of chapters of my book sat on Trev in the early morning sun.

My first job was to rescue whatever poor insect was meeting its maker in the swimming pool.  God we really do get a variety and this one looked like it was having a spa break!! 

Anyway I duly fished it out and left it on the fence to dry off and fly away - looks quite different when it has dried out doesnt it?? - I didn't realise it was some sort of grasshopper when it was doing the breaststroke earlier!

Then I went to check on my veggies and decided it was time that I cut one of the peppers and one of the cucumbers - planning to include them in tonight's salad - so thanks Angela for the cucumber plants which are now looking really really healthy and beginning to produce what looks like a reasonable crop.

Anyway I was just about to settle down for a good read when John got up early - how is it he NEVER has a hangover?  It just isn't fair - I keep saying that it will catch up with him at some point but it doesnt seem to!!

Bob (who has been staying at Sean and Sharon's) came round just after 8.00am with the keys and to say goodbye, returning the snorkelling gear that we had lent his children yesterday.  They have all had a wonderful holiday and hope to return at some point.  I waited for them to get on their way before I went up to take on my 'Juanita the Housemaid' role and tidy up after them.   

John and I went in and sorted the villa and I embarked on a massive washing project - just how many towels can four people use in six days???  Bloody loads is the answer!!  Anyway I did the washing in Sharon's machine and got it all washed, out on our lines and dry by the end of the day but as I hate ironing I just folded it neatly and put it back.  I am contemplating going to see if the Elia Village is looking for chambermaids (JOKE!!!).

Anyway great excitement today because we went off to Polis in order to pick up our new baby...  We have purchased a second hand scooter from Marinos Tsaggaras who holds the record for Cyprus motocross championship with ten titles and who has for the last 20 years been a professional mechanic for motorbikes.

We thought it would be more economical for us to zip around Droushia and Polis/Latchi on a little bike rather than keep taking the car out. 

Now some of you will remember that the last time I was on the back of a bike it was in Bellac, France on the back of John Boulton's super-douper Harley Davidson opening up on a long straight road listening to Lady Ga-Ga!!

Well sorry John B but nothing quite so adrenaline-inducing as John and I pottered off to Pano Arodes with a top speed of about 50 and no Lady Ga-Ga.  The bike did its job and I can see that it will be very useful particularly on the days when I nip down to Paphos to play pickleball as it means John will be able to get out and about if he needs to.
I dont think I am going to be able to manage the bike myself but I look the part don't I??  I will give it a go but with my little short legs I think I might struggle - anyway I have said to John that I will take it somewhere quiet and give it a go.

Anyway our little sortie finished with a drink at the local Taverna, Stathmos, where we think we may spend our 20th Wedding Anniversary which is a fortnight tomorrow!!!  We called into the post office and were amazed to find that our health card has already been returned from Nicosia so we can go and register at the hospital and get some free healthcare until 2013.  If John's arm doesn't improve he can get them to take a look at it and possibly get an injection if he needs to.

Back home I managed to cremate the tea - Koupis which were very crispy on the outside and a bit hollow on the inside!! John was very kind even though when he put his fork in his it shot across the floor!!  Not sure what happened there but will have to make up for it tomorrow.

Off to Paphos in the morning, insurance to sort out and our kitchen tiles to pick up amongst other things.

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