Sunday 10 July 2011

Day 69...

I wasn't going to blog today because, as you know, we are going down to Mum and Dad's today and then to a concert this evening. 

I didn't think there would be anything much happening before we left so thought I would do it all when we got back but we had a visitor today which I just thought you might be interested in...

...Sunday morning had been fairly uneventful - I did my 30 minutes Wii fit - seems like my BMI and Weight is back on track thank goodness - I cant be having a bloody computer telling me off!!!  John and I played a couple of games of bowling just to check that I was indeed still the champione in the Wiseman household - I cut John's hair - this time he decided to go for a number 1 all over as it is so very hot now.  The whole time I was cutting his hair he had the company of this dragonfly who insisted on perching an a bit of gash fencing which we are about to throw out!

I managed to get my ass into gear today as I needed to make a couple of cards - having brought all my gear with me John is insisting that I should make use of it!!!  We have a 65th birthday party to go to tomorrow so I needed to make one for Eric.  I am not really very good with men's cards and I don't really know him that well having only met him a couple of times at pickle-ball.  I also wanted to make a wedding card for Alkisti's daughter seeing as we have been invited to the wedding.  I know they are not up to the standard of the cards that Vix and Tracey make but in 30+ degrees of heat I was just glad to get something finished!!

Anyway onto the visitor that I thought you might be interested in...

This little fella had decided to go for a swim in the pool which is not to be recommended when you are a shrew and a tiny little one at that!!!  John fished him out in the shrimping net and you can see him sat on his hand beginning to dry out.

He was so sweet that we wanted to make sure we let him go somewhere safe and out of the way of the feral cats.  We let him go in amongst the tomato plants where there was some dappled shade.  John was mesmerised as he has never seen a live shrew close up before.  He watched it for some time and gave me a running commentary on its progress - including the fact that it yawned and had teeth!!  Eventually though he must have dried out and moved on (the shrew, not John) - John was very disappointed in one respect I think he secretly wanted to keep it!!!

Dont forget that you can click on any of the pictures in the blog to enlarge them and then use the back arrow to go back to the post.

Definitely no post tomorrow - I will catch up on all the events on Tuesday.  TTFN!!

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