Saturday 9 July 2011

Day 68...

So an easy day for us today - it is getting progressively hotter so energy levels begin to drop...

We are currently sat outside - it is half past eight in the evening, the sun is just going down and the landscape is bathed in a pale pink light.  We are enjoying the stillness and a couple of glasses of wine in Trev and Vix corner!  Once the sun goes down then that is the end of the evening - it goes from light to dark very quickly.  We have the pool light on and can see the lights of Polis and Argaka in the distance.  The tree frogs have just begun their nightly serenade!

I started my day with some gentle exercise - making good use of the Wii - somehow my BMI and weight has managed to increase in 24 hours - that's not what is supposed to happen surely??  Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we had a lie-in this morning and treated ourselves to brunch rather than our normal healthy cereal and fruit juice. 
I was on pool cleaning duties today.  It was my job to clean the white surround at the top of the pool and then I decided to scrub the liner underneath where there was a build-up of limescale and chemicals.  Both Dad and John have worked really hard to make the pool look at its very best and although it can be a little bracing (still not made over 76 degrees) it is 'lovely when you get in' and on a really hot day like today it is such a treat to be able to get in and out when you feel like it.

We decided to put tea on and go for a walk this evening.  Still making use of Mum's old tepanyaki pan which was used to cook a chilli - using pork mince for the first time because it is leaner and much cheaper!

We walked down to Stathmos for a drink and to make arrangements to eat there next Saturday when Nicky and Mark are coming to stay and Nicky has requested stifado which they have had at Stathmos before and thoroughly enjoyed.  We think we have it organised!!!

Just planning to go in to watch a film.  There wont be a blog for a couple of days as we are going down to Mum and Dad's tomorrow for a barbeque and then going to a concert in Tala - a Michael Buble and Elvis tribute - rather an eclectic mix but should be good fun and will be considerably warmer than when we went to see Hils and Keith play back in May - what a difference a few weeks make.  On Monday we are going to Mandria for Eric's 65th birthday - Eric is one of the pickle-ball players - so I wont get the chance to blog until Tuesday.

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