Friday 8 July 2011

Day 67...

First of all credit where credit is due we have to thank Trev for the spare key for the mantle clock as it was he and not Vix that answered our distress call!!!

I know that you are all desperate to know how we got on at the quiz last night...


Well we didn't win but we didn't disgrace ourselves either as we won the music round and the picture round and we had joint maximum score in the acronym round so we won ourselves a bottle of red and a bottle of champers!!!  The major €600 prize didnt go and will be bumped up to €700 next week.  We are planning on going fortnightly because is it a bit of a trek for us as we didnt get back to Droushia until nearly midnight!!  At that point John switched from grain to grape - bad bad move as this is obviously what makes him snore!!  All in all though it was a good evening.  The organisers do it for charity and the quizmaster was telling us that they have raised more than €38,000 - and I know that can't be easy in this day and age.

Today we decided to have a day off from DIY (even though John's list nags at his conscience!!).  We decided to chill and get the Wii out and set it up for ourselves and friends who might come and use it.  We bought it second hand from Gemma and Mark so it was quite interesting to see the Mii's that were already set up and some of the scores that had been achieved!!!  There is nothing quite like bowling against Darth Vader or Bono!!!

So with apologies to our friends if they dont think their Mii is particularly flattering but in the blog you will see Mii-Trev Mii-Vix Mii-Laura and Mii-Mark!!!  Hopefully they will be able to recognise themselves!!

We also got the Wii Fit out and set ourselves up so that we can have a training regime.  John got into a dispute with the TV about his BMI but I dont think he made himself tall enough for his weight!!!

I did start with half an hour of step aerobics and bearing in mind that it is just short of 30 degrees that can't be bad and I intend to keep it up - I want to pitch up at Elena's wedding looking fit and tanned plus I took the dress that I intend wearing up to Kaye's sometime last year so I need to be able to fit into it!!

The gas fire man was coming today to complete fitting the fire.  He had been once before and hit a problem and then had to order a spare part which didnt arrive and then the next one did but he was too busy to come up and blah blah blah... anyway to cut a long story short he was here for four hours and couldnt get it to work and washed his hands of it so we have a fire that looks great but doesnt work or we take it out and we have a bloody great hole in the wall until we can find a fire that fits the hole (unlikely).  We are getting our money back on Monday and John is going to have a good look at it before we admit defeat.  A case of one step forward and several steps back.

There was nothing for it but to open a bottle of wine tonight to have with our tea - it is Friday night so to make it special we have a nice cooked meal and a movie - trying to recreate Friday nights in England and mark the end of the working week and start of the weekend.  Tonight we had pork tenderloin steaks with salad and jacket potatoes and are now watching Run Fatboy Run - halfway through a bottle of Agios Anofrious and about to open up some chilled Fruit and Nut (THANKS LAURA xxxx).

Tomorrow is another day - let's see what it can throw at us!!

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