Thursday 7 July 2011

Day 66...

A short and early post today because John and I are going down to Emba to make up one third of the Lakoudia Street Quiz Team.

I briefly mentioned yesterday that we had received a parcel from the Pamments - my main focus was on the CHOCOLATE which is now chilling in the fridge (sounds like it is on a lounger with a gin and tonic in hand!) and will be eaten on special occasions only!! 

We also received some squeezy honey (mega expensive here) and some door trims to protect the CRV and the long awaited key for the mantle clock.  Unfortunately John's measurement for the key was totally out and the damn thing doesn't fit - he is gutted (I not quite so as the clock reminds me of when I was poorly as a child waiting for Dad to come home from work).   Trev and Vix have the same clock (well not the same one obviously as ours is here in Cyprus) theirs belonged to Trev's Dad - so I emailed Vix to see if they could get us a replacement key as they would know the correct size and Vix came straight back to say that they have a spare key and she will send it to us - John is a very happy bunny!!

Today we have been invaded by hundreds and hundreds of little caterpillars which look something like cabbage whites - I am therefore on patrol round my veg plot to make sure that none of the little bastards take a shine to my salad crop which is now beginning to provide us with daily peppers.  So far so good but I have visions that when we get home later tonight there will just be a stalk where my plants used to be.  Those of you that know me know I have a real love of gardening so I am busy taking cuttings.  The great thing about here is that all you seem to need to do is just pot them up and let them get on with it.  So far I have a number of geraniums, hibiscus, morning glory and lavendar on the go.  Although plants are pretty reasonable to buy in the garden centres it is so much more satisfying to have a go yourself.

I have finished staining wood for the fencing and we have put it up now so that our boundary is defined.  Once the climbing plants have taken hold it will all look a bit softer and a lot less like Southfork - John says the barbed wire and gun turrets come next - An Englishman's home being his castle and all that!!!  It is amazing though when I look back at photographs of the place when we first arrived (which is only just over two months ago) to see how much we have achieved.

John is cracking on with finishing the tiling in the kitchen - here is a shot for all his girl fans - looking svelte as he has lost quite a bit of weight but the bandage, protective goggles and cotton wool in the ears just takes the shine off for me!!!

He has worked like a trojan and cant understand why his to-do list doesnt seem to be getting any shorter.  Still he hates to be bored!!!

Will give you news of the rest of the day and how we fared in the quiz tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. credit to trev for the key as he is the one that answered the distress call x


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