Thursday 14 July 2011

Day 73...

I am never sure that I am going to have anything much to talk about and then when I sit down all sorts of bits of useless information and drivel just pours out!!!

We woke this morning to a powercut - we are getting more used to this now and so far we have been lucky enough that they only last two hours max so we just have to organise our day accordingly.  We had forgotten to fill the flasks with hot water last night so couldn't grab a coffee but at least we had cereals!!

The electricity came back on at 10.30 and I decided that I would do some ironing (not sure if I received a bump on the head last night or what?). 

At just before 11.00 (9.00 am UK time) I rang Gemma at work - I wanted to catch her before the day went mad as today was her last day before she goes off on maternity leave - the Babber is due in four weeks time.  Gemma and I worked together for several years in the IT department of Porter Dodson and more recently were joined by Horatiu Damacus who went back to Romania a couple of weeks after I retired.  It will be the end of an era at PD because I think that the three of us worked together really well - not without some ups and downs of course but we were all big enough and ugly enough to let those go by.  I still miss H's ordering of freshly baked pain-au-raison and his dash to the deli to get them whilst they were still hot!!! 

Anyway back to Gem...  I was very pleased that the flowers I had ordered late on Tuesday afternoon had already arrived.  A big UP to who I have used regularly to order flowers over the internet and who have never let me down.  John and I wish Gem, Mark and the Babber all the very best for the future.  I have no doubt whatsoever that Gem and Mark will make the very best parents a child could wish for - a great couple who we miss.

I was asked to make up a four for pickleball today and was a bit worried as it was very hot today - normally though there is a breeze down on the court which is coming in off of the sea.  I drove along the shortcut down to Paphos and saw not one but two black snakes en route.  It is quite strange when you see them going across the road because to begin with it looks a bit like a piece of plastic just being blown along and then you realise that it is actually a snake.  I dont mind snakes so I dont try and run the black ones over as these are harmless (I think!!!).

Down at the Imperial Beach Hotel I was making up a four with Jeff, Dave and Tom and boy did they run me ragged today - they are all much more experienced pickle-ball players than I am and all very competitive so it was a good work out (on top of my 45 minutes on the Wii fit this morning).  Although it was hot there was the sea breeze and I did enjoy the games - it is always good to play with people who are better than you because then at least you can learn something.  We finished just as a wedding party were making their way to the arbour for their marriage ceremony!

Quickly called into Mum and Dad's on my way home - they were on their umpteenth power cut.  I picked up a couple of home made pasties for our tea and then made my way back to Droushia.  There was a head on accident on the cut through onto the Polis Road so I  had to find an alternative route but managed to get home in reasonable time.  John had been unable to do a lot of what he had planned because we had a second power cut this afternoon but when I got back he had finished the tiling in the kitchen (just the grouting to go) and I persuaded him to plant the two new plants in Vix and Trev corner.  The Gardenia is next to the bedroom door as I am hoping we will be able to smell it when we are lying in bed.

Pasties for tea were lovely and we topped it off with some fresh fruit salad - the local seedless grapes are superb at the moment and we have a honeydew melon which is just at its peak in terms of ripeness.

I think tomorrow may be full moon but if not then tonight's is very close - it is quite lovely here as the temperature drops once the sun has gone down.

Have felt quite useful today as I was able to help out an old schoolfriend of mine Trudie whose daughter is planning a trip to Cyprus in August and also had an emergency email from Paula (landlady at the Masons Arms) as she needed a hand with a poster.  It is so lovely to feel wanted!!!

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