Friday 15 July 2011

Day 74...

OMG as they say in text speak (Oh My God for those of you who aren't sure) what a day it has been today.

We woke to a power cut which we were expecting so we had flasks of hot water prepared the night before so that we could have coffee and torches in case it was dark.  I got up and because there was nothing else to do and because the pool cover is doing its job I had an early morning swim - pool temperature now about 80 degrees first thing!!! 

Just as I was getting out and dried off I heard a van outside and went to have a look and OMG (you all know what that means now) it was the electricity board...  Was today the day we were going to get our own power supply and no longer get tapped off of next door???

Three men pitched up and there was all sorts of head scratching and raised voices and then they set too and started to connect us up to the telegraph pole despite the fact that we had originally been told that it was too far!!!

Well it wasnt too long before the new cable was attached directly from our house to the telegraph pole and the guy proclaimed that it was all done.

John then took the old cable and wound it up and put it back in Villa 10A.

John went to look in the box and saw that there was a new meter and a new circuit breaker but they were both sealed and both OFF so we still had no power.  On ringing the electricity board we were told that we had to have the bills transferred into our names before they would come and unseal the meter etc and turn the power on - worryingly we were told this would be Monday and with all the powercuts etc and the fact that I had a full freezer and we are having visitors on Saturday this was not good to say the least.  This was bad enough but in the middle of the conversation there was an almighty bang and the bloody solar panel thingy blew again.  Well they say it never rains but it pours...

Anyway we shot off to Polis to try and get things sorted and the man in Polis told us that it would not be until next Friday that our electricity would be inspected and connected.  We could not get him to understand that we had electricity until they put the new wiring in - he thinks it is a new installation.  John was outside ringing the electricity board in Paphos at which point I decided the only thing to so was to burst into tears at which point the man in the electricity board softened.  Anyway we contacted Philippos and he managed to pull some strings and arranged that the old power supply would be reinstated by either Stelios or Savvas and then the inspection would take place on Friday.  He also made arrangements for my food to be taken to Latchi Panorama so that it could be saved.  I really cant thank Philippos enough we would have been up queer street without him.

Anyway to cut a very very very very long story short Savvas pitched up mid afternoon.  I was so pleased to see him and he knew it - if I wasnt married (and blind) I could have married him there and then even though he isnt the most attractive man I have ever seen!!!  He managed to connect us to power by about 3.50pm and then we had a power cut at 4.00pm (my poor freezer doesnt know if it is coming or going!!).  At that point I shot off into town to do our shopping and when I returned Savvas number two the solar panel man and his sidekick were there sorting out the solar heating.

Eventually it was sorted and they left and I asked John what the time was - he said it was 7.00pm - I dont know what it is about our day but we always seem to come to a halt at 7.00pm - it must be something to do with our interal clocks!!!  At this point we decided enough was enough and went into the village for a drink.  We had a quick one in Stathmos and checked that they are prepared for us all for Stifado tomorrow and then went into Christos's as we feel guilty if we just walk by!!!

Things dont seem quite so bad now - a few beers and brandies and the world doesnt seem such a bad place!!! Thinking of you all !!!

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