Monday 18 July 2011

Day 77...

Having got to grips with chilling over the weekend we had a very quiet day today. 

We had our normal powercut at 9.00 this morning which lasted for two hours - we are now used to this so plan our day accordingly starting with a morning swim and now that it has got hotter and we have the pool cover then the morning swim is great and there is no whinging and moaning from me as I get in.

As soon as the power was back on John and I did a bit of exercise on the Wii fit before it gets too hot.  John is still in dispute with the machine and its assessment of his BMI and weight!! even though he has lost a stone since he arrived here.

We went out on the bike this morning to check the post and to checkout the fourth 'supermarket' that Droushia has to offer.  We think it is where the Muhktar hangs out - the Muhktar is the local goverment official for the village.  The 'supermarket' was interesting and stocked an eclectic mix from terracotta vases to fruit and veg (most of which had seen better days) - there is also a coffee shop next door - don't think Costa Coffee though, think more Working Men's Club!!!

We took a spin up and down roads we hadn't travelled before and boy did we find some very big and I mean very big properties which we think belong to some eastern european mafia looking at the size - we are in dispute as to which flag was flying outside but John seems to think it was Moldovan (wherever that might be!!).

We stopped off at Stathmos to have a quick drink and to thank Sylvia for the perfect stifado we had on Saturday and bumped into a couple from Yorkshire who were on holiday (arrived yesterday) and were trying to find their way round so we passed on as much information as we could.

So back home and having had some lunch this is how I spent my afternoon!!!  In fact I spent most of the time on the shady side but for the photo opportunity then sunny side is best!!! 

Whilst I was doing this John was busy making me a wedding anniversary card - it is our 20th anniversary tomorrow and he was either (a) being romantic or (b) being a tight Yorkshireman - he says romantic...  Apparently 20 years is Platinum so I have high hopes for tomorrow!!!  Boy have we come a long way from our first wedding anniversary when we were living in Hill View and spent our anniversary at Bath Races!!!  I shall wait with bated breath to see what tomorrow brings by way of card and bless him for making the effort.

As our wedding was a VERY small affair in Gretna Green I thought some of you might be interested to see some of the photographs - taken before digital cameras so I have had to scan them and the quality isnt too good! 

Our whole wedding party was made up of 9 people.  Sadly both Uncle Gordon and Aunty Margaret are no longer with us and as a result of a bungled hip replacement operation John's stepfather no longer enjoys the health and mobility that he did 20 years ago.  We have spoken to our best man Andy recently but were disappointed that we were unable to catch up just before we left for Cyprus - but who knows maybe we will catch up again in the future either here or back in good old Blightey.

Having had a very quiet afternoon we had a phonecall from Mum's neighbour Janice at exactly the same time that Philippos decided to call in and check out how we were doing!!  We will catch up with Janice and Ray on Thursday at the Quiz and then arrange to see them socially another time.  Keeping in with Philippos is always a good thing - he was the one that made sure we weren't without electricity.

Looking forward to our special day tomorrow with Mum and Dad. John is keeping very tight-lipped about the itinerary - everyday at the moment is special but tomorrow will be particularly so.

1 comment:

  1. Loved seeing the wedding photo's. Have a lovely day tomorrow. xx


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