Tuesday 19 July 2011

Day 78...

Our 20th Wedding Anniversary today - where have those years gone???

We never normally bother with cards - they can be expensive and let's face it just get binned a couple of days later but as I said yesterday John had decided to make a card for me.   He must have been inspired when I got our old wedding album out and scanned some of the pictures for yesterday's blog. 

Call him an old romantic but he made me a lovely card with even lovelier words inside - bless him xxx

We had our normal powercut a little earlier today - it started at about 8.30 and lasted for two hours - we were waiting for Mum and Dad to arrive for our day out so we took advantage of the peace and quiet.  It was reasonably cool in the house this morning - the same cannot be said for tonight when even with the windows open and the fan on it is still over 30 degrees and it is gone 10.00pm - looks like we are in for a hot and sticky night tonight!

Mum and Dad arrived just after the power returned at about 11.00am and we set off on our mystery day out with John at the wheel. 

First stop was the Latchi Panorama Resort and Spa which is across the village from us and very new and very posh it is too.  We were destined to only ever have a coffee there - John nearly had a nose-bleed when the bill came but then again we did have hand-made biscuits and someone has to pay for all the surrounding luxury.  We were keen to check it out as friends of Marie and Darren (Scotland) know someone who have bought a place there. 

From there we made our way along down to Polis and along the coast and went down to the garden centre we had been to previously to choose some plants to put in the garden as a reminder of our anniversary.  I will fill you in on the details of the plants and post some pictures tomorrow.  Let's just say that we didnt stay inside the polytunnels very long today because unsurprisingly enough it was like a greenhouse in there!!! 

We then spent a very leisurely lunch at O Milos in Gialia which is a very ethnic taverna set up in the hills and the building used to be a Turkish Cypriot school many years ago.

I am completely useless if I drink lunchtimes and Dad and I managed to polish off two bottles of Cornetto Rose so I was fairly useless for the rest of the afternoon!!!  John had planned a walk along Latchi harbour and a drink there but we were all ready to head back to Villa 10B and lounge about - Dad retreating to Vix and Trev corner as it was in the shade and Mum, John and I jumping into the pool to cool down.

John rounded off what had been a really lovely day but cooking us all a meal which we ate sitting outside under the Gazebo.  Just as well as it was mid 30's indoors and we were all flagging from the heat.

He presented us with slow cooked beef in red wine, hassleback potatoes, braised red cabbage, creamed leeks, green beans, peas and carrots - we didnt really do it the justice it deserved as we were all still fairly full from lunchtime.

We managed to catch up with John's Mum on Skype and read all the lovely email and facebook messages from friends and family.

John, my hero, has just been trying to evict a bloody great spider (Dad reckons it was a bird eating spider) from the lounge.  I dont know who was more scared but he tried to capture it in the shrimping net we use for cleaning the pool - he almost did it too except at the last minute the spider made a bid for freedom and is still somewhere in the house lurking and we dont know where - I am guessing we will be turning the place upside down tomorrow to try and find it - Dead or Alive!!!

Apart from that little episode it has been a brilliant day today and it has been all down to John xxx

1 comment:

  1. glad you had a lovely day to remember - was thinking of you all xxx V T & 3m's & Trace


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