Thursday 20 October 2011

Taking a Walk on the Wild Side...

A clear cold night meant that we woke to a clear bright morning which was brilliant because I had been invited to go on a walk with the Wednesday Walking Group.  In fact we had both been invited but as Chivers was going back to the vets for his second of three injections John stayed at home with him so that he could be there when Irene arrived to take him and he wanted to be there when he came back to make sure he was ok.

Chivers seems to be picking up and John proudly declared that the overnight poos were nothing to worry about!

I set off for Kritou Terra to meet up with the group.  Kritou Terra is just over the road from us so only five minutes away.  We were all to assemble and be ready for the off at 10.00 but true to form there is always someone late and today it was Jimmy who didnt arrive until 10.30!!  Still not to worry - its not as if we have anything else to do!!! 

We were actually starting our walk from up the road in Terra and then walking for about 2 hours - the first bit was very firmly downhill and so as it was circular we knew that the last part would be uphill.  For those that wanted the group was eating at the Farmyard in Kathikas.  I had opted not to because John said he would have lunch waiting for me.

The thirteen of us walkers set off in brilliant brilliant sunshine surrounded by stunning views with the Troodos mountains on our right and Chrysochou Bay in front of us.  Most are residents here from various places in Cyprus but there were a couple of visitors enjoying the opportunity to get some exercise and to see a part of the island they might otherwise not have seen. 

Stavros, a Cypriot who walks with the group, is a brilliant edition because he is so full of information and was busy pointing out herbs and fruits and nuts that were growing around us.  We enjoyed pomegranates, figs and almonds and several of the ladies went home clutching wild sage plants which have smaller leaves than their cultivated cousins and a much much stronger flavour.  Stavros quite often strikes out on his own and can be miles in front of us as the remainder of the group straggle on (it can be like herding eels at times!).

We all agreed it was a lovely walk and John and I have been invited to join the group on a regular basis but unfortunately I normally go to Neo Chorio for craft on a Wednesday so I have said that we will walk with them when they are walking up in our area.  It will be good for us to meet some new people although I had met most of the walkers previously!!

On my return home I found John playing with Chivers.  Chivers had had his injection and a blood test and has been issued with a pet book of health all of his own.  Irene has informed the vets that we are taking Chivers on full time so after Friday his care will be down to us and not part of Irene's feral programme.  We are so very very grateful to her for all her help. 

John had checked up on the results of the blood tests - all is good except for a slightly high red blood count.  The vet was unconcerned about those results and basically he is doing pretty well bearing in mind the poor start he had in life.  He is what Irene considers to be a 'success story' - rescued, nursed to reasonable health and found a loving home.  We have to thank Irene and Sharon and Sean for their gentle persuasion so that we took him on!

John decided that Chivs should experience the outside now that he is healthier and growing plus we found him up the curtains last night so he probably needs more stimulation!!!  However it was like being parents when your child goes to school for the first time - we were on tenderhooks watching his every move!!!  We know he has to spread his wings but everything seems to be a danger to him and we know that there is a real problem with poison being left down by the locals and not just for pests - Cypriots in general are not pet lovers.  So his first outing was very supervised!
Being outside was not without its dangers even supervised as Chivs managed to get behind my shed and then wouldnt come out - we had to resort to bribery and one of the treats that Laura had left for him!  We were a little bit worried that he might get stuck or traumatised so you can see how pleased John was when he managed to get him out safe and sound!!

You can see that Chivs is most definitely John's cat - I can see my lap being very cold over the winter whilst John has Chivs curled up on his - see the photo at the end of this blog to see what I mean!!

We are now getting ready for Winter and today we decided to take down the Gazebo curtains as we could be sure that they were dried out after the storms earlier this week. 

There is nothing quite so sad as a naked Gazebo!!!  Still you can see what a beautiful day it has been today - not a cloud in the sky!!!

I am housesitting at Emba the next couple of days as Mum and Dad are off to Pedoulas with the Monday Walking Group.  John is staying at Droushia as Chivs has his last injection on Friday.

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