Saturday 15 June 2019


I did not sleep too well last night - I seem to have a whole host of things running around inside my head like the health of the cats, visitors, mum, immigration, GESY, my visit to the UK yaddah, yaddah yadday and, at times I am not entirely sure who snores the worst, John or Mr Boo but they give each other a run for their money.

Fortunately the cats are improving daily, particularly Charlie who has been an absolute dream with his makeshift collar.  It doesn't bother him in the least and the ability to stop him scratching at the wound coupled with the success at getting some anti-biotics down him has meant the gaping hole near his armpit is beginning to reduce in size quite nicely now.

Sadly I heard today that one of Sharon's cats was knocked over by a car using our estate as a rat run now that so many of the roads in the village are closed.  The cat has a broken jaw poor thing and we are now going to see what can be done about preventing people using what is not actually an official through-road.  Our cats have never been used to much traffic so they are useless when it comes to vehicles and can often be seen rolling around in the dust on the road - after Charlie's lucky escape at the end of last year I would not want anything to happen like that again.

We had rather an unattractive visitor in the kitchen first thing - it was a mole cricket and this one was alive - I am more used to fishing them dead out of the pool.  These are humungous beasts and have the appearance of a rodent as they move.  I am guessing one of the cats brought it in.  Unbelievably they fly and would have a wingspan around 10cm - not something you really want to encounter but thankfully they seem to spend most of their lifespan under ground.

I went to Art today, it being Monday and I think that I shall finish this picture either next week or the week after.  It has taken a while because of a number of interruptions to our regular Monday mornings.

Sheila and Klaus are fine and my lunch today made me feel like breaking into a chorus of 'My Favourite Things' from the Sound of Music as we had schnitzels - they always remind me of my lovely Aunty Margaret who was Austrian Dahlink and sounded like Zsa Zsa Gabor when she spoke although Zsa Zsa was Hungarian!

When I was little we visited Austria twice around the time they filmed the Sound of Music and we got to stand on one of those iconic bridges in Salzburg.  I would have been about 6 at the time but that memory has stayed with me and I remember being totally in awe of one of my Aunt's nephews Hari who reminded me of the younger Von Trapp boy Kurt.  I cannot hear Edelweiss without a tear coming to my eye and a lump in my throat because we had that played at my Aunt's funeral and we had a selection of music from the Sound of Music played at the beginning of Dad's funeral.

On a lighter note, after John and I had been to the cemetery, we went down to Paps to do some shopping in readiness for our visitors tomorrow and I think someone must have been having a laugh with the jaunty placement of two pinata unicorns left over from Easter.  I know that Cyprus is becoming a much more cosmopolitan island but you have to wonder when the Spanish tradition of a pinata because such an integral part of the Cyprus easter??

John's reward for going shopping was that he could treat himself to one of the artisan ice-creams from Da Vinci in Prodromi.  I am not entirely sure what concoction he plumped for today but it definitely had black cherry on the top and what looked like hazelnut underneath.

I am not a great lover of ice-cream although their vanilla is probably the best I have ever tasted but I can take it or leave it and today I left it.

We quickly called in to see our neighbours to see how their maintenance works are going and to thank Kia for the generous bowl of Koliva which she had prepared for us and which was to commemorate the memorial of the passing of her husband which took place at the weekend.   The preparation of this is truly a labour of love so it was exceptionally kind of her and I will be able to let Joyce and David sample it when they come up as I am pretty sure they would never have been offered it before.

We had a quiet evening - we are part way through the TV thriller called The Bay and enjoying it but will have to leave the final episode until after our visitors have gone.  The weather is improving and we are forecast to have very hot weather this week.  This has led to balmy evenings which is unusual for Droushia - balmy and no condensation which is a bonus in one respect but means I have to water at night now - but only anything which is in a pot.

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