Saturday 20 June 2020

31st May

It was the most glorious start to the day today - a bright and still morning although I think we might have had rain overnight looking at how damp everything was - it certainly looked more than the normal overnight heavy condensation - the only trouble was we had forgotten to take in some of the cushions overnight so they were a tad soggy but I pinned them up on the line and they soon dried out.

It was good to see that someone had been making use of our terracotta water dispenser - it is there for the birds but it was a snail that had visited and was leaving his trail as he left.  I picked him up and put him in the field next door - safe from anyone standing on him and away from my plants!!!

Nicky and Mark had stayed the night and they are generally early risers - early to bed and early to rise so John and I were up and about so that we could get some breakfast down them before they went back to Emba.  It was going to be one of those mornings when it was just a privilege to be able to sit outside and eat and so we set up the table in readiness.

I know Nicky will hate this photograph, and I do apologise, but to be fair it was so bright I really couldn't see what I was taking.  Let's just say we had a lovely leisurely breakfast of crumpets and coffee whilst we eased ourselves back into the day.  It is nice to be able to socialise with them again.  They are in our 'bubble' which is small and select but that way we know who we have been in contact with should we ever have to do track and trace.

John has moved our old red umbrella down from the roof terrace to our 'peace corner' - I like it because the colour of the umbrella matches the colour of Hadge's memorial rose - well the underside of it does but when I went up onto the roof in the afternoon I realised that the top side was a different story altogether - in fact it looks like a rather trendy tie-dye affair and I think I actually prefer that!!!

We said goodbye to Mark and Nicky and shortly afterwards said hello to Mum who had come for Sunday lunch.  Blimey it only seems like five minutes ago we were getting ready for her first visit in about two months - not sure where that week has gone!!  Mum has no-one to blame but herself for the choice of meal today as I had asked her to give me some suggestions for menus.  Today we had bacon, sausage and caramelised onion in a red wine gravy served in a medium sized Yorkshire pudding with roast potatoes, carrots and peas and I think it was a success.  We had a nice afternoon which included a little walk around the block to get a bit of exercise and when Mum text to say she had arrived home safe and sound we could relax and not worry about her.

There was the most amazing sky this afternoon with whispy clouds that looked like someone had taken a paint brush to the heavens.  I don't know if these are a sign of rain or what but they were most unusual.

We finished off our weekend with a video call from one of the nicest families you could ever wish to meet - the Mighty Allans - Tommy, Molly, Sally and Freddy.

We have known them for such a very long time (B.C. - before children) and have had such fun with them over the years.

We have everything crossed that we just might (for which read WILL if Sal has anything to do with it) see them next year when they are going to a wedding in Spain and plan to call in on us 'on their way back' according to Sal whose Geography might need a bit of fine tuning!!!

It was so good to speak to them and to know that they are surviving the restrictions of Covid-19 and that Freddy will be off to college in the Autumn.  Love, love, love that family and absence and distance just never seem to matter.

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