Thursday 6 August 2020

JWW still poorly...

John hasn't really eaten properly now for three days so I know he is feeling proper poorly.  Hopefully the antibiotics will work their magic soon and in between he is allowed to have some paracetemol.  To make matters worse today he was supposed to be having a crown fitted but cancelled because of his throat and they will reschedule the appointment but not now for several weeks as the dentist is pretty much fully booked.  This wouldn't be so bad if the tooth in question wasn't giving him some aggro.  I am hoping the antibiotics and pain-killers might just calm that down too.

We neither of us had a great night's sleep last night so were both feeling somewhat jaded - we were due down at Mum's so that John could supervise Costas fitting her new fly screens and we didn't want to delay that any longer as it is so hot so decided we would go - I managed to get my hairdresser to fit me in for a dry trim (as it was very last minute) and we decided we would go and investigate a new mattress as the one on our bed is possibly now nearly 10 years old and lumpy.

We set off fairly early but not before I had noticed the tell-tale signs that we have Hawk Moth Caterpillars feasting on the vine leaves.  On the dining table were the unmistakable rigged poos that they leave behind which I originally thought were some kind of seed and collected and planted!!!  Looking up we found Mummy and Baby or maybe Daddy and Baby so John cut the leaf and we moved it elsewhere so that they could continue to feed but not leave their by products on our eating surface!!!  I do love to see them though.  These are from the Vine Hawk Moth and are probably the least impressive - the ones from the Oleander Hawk Moth and the Death's Head Hawk Moth are infinitely more striking.

So we journeyed down to Paphos and I got my trim and then we went back up the Mesoghi Avenue to check out mattress selling establishments.  This entailed quite a bit of lying around from which we learned that (a) our existing mattress is shot and (b) a replacement mattress is expensive if you want anything half decent over here.  Our existing mattress has a built in memory foam topper which at the time was state of the art but we hadn't banked on it making us feel so bloomin' hot.  All the mattresses now seem to come with some sort of memory foam so we think we need to opt for one with a gel filling that is supposed to keep you cool.  The next problem is that fact that the mattresses like this are deeper and so it is likely that most of my fitted sheets, including the lovely ones I brought back from Dunelm in January will not fit so there will additional expense incurred if and when we purchase one.

The fitting of the fly screens for Mum was not without issue as somehow Costas had built them both to the wrong dimensions even though he had them written down he had transposed the widths.  It wasn't a problem as he lives five minute from Mum and that is where his workshop is located so within half an hour he had it sorted.  Between him and John they got them fitted and so now Mum has a fixed fly screen at one window and diagonally opposite a fixed one at the patio door so she can have a through draft with no fear of the cat escaping which is great news.  I didn't think Mum looked or sounded on top form today which is a worry.  Fortunately she was going out for a cuppa with Lorna this afternoon which I hope will go well as I know more than anything Mum wants company.

I don't know which is worse for John, not wanting or being able to eat or the ensuing hunger- I am guessing hunger as he declared a wish to have some extra creamy mashed potato for his tea and he thought he might be able to manage a sausage in some onion gravy and maybe a pea or two - although he wasn't too certain about the peas.  That is what we had and although it was a tentative start to the meal he powered his way through it and said he really enjoyed it which is fab news.  Maybe the medication is beginning to work.  I do hope so although he did suffer a relapse this evening shouting at a woeful performance by SUFC against Leicester.

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