Tuesday 20 October 2020

Sunday misery tour

I don't know if it is just me but Sundays seem to come round every other day!!!  Actually we are thinking about packing away some of the soft furnishings in the garden before we are too late - we normally leave it a few days too long and then things get damp damaged but we have a half decent TV set and Android Box out in the Do-Jo and they need to be rescued.  This is going to be tomorrow's job.

Today I was concentrating on what we were going to eat and I had prepared another sausage casserole when I did the one for Les but without the chili and herbs and that was what we were having along with mashed potato and peas served in a little Yorkshire pudding.  Sadly I was very excited that I could use my new plates!!!  I have wanted some square plates for ages and these were on offer in Paps.  They are a cross between a plate and a dish and so ideal for something with gravy or a sauce - any they aren't too big so that we over-face Mum before we start.

So here is the finished article!!! and, pretty darn good, if I do say so myself.  Everyone seemed to enjoy it and there was enough left over for Mum to take some home.  Today, after lunch, I was taking Mum for a ride out and about because John was watching the SUFC/LEEDS derby at 2.00pm.  I had arranged to swing by Sheila and Klaus's to return the plate I had taken with me last week and then go down to Latchi.

I was convinced that you must be able to go cross country to Goudi so Mum and I went on a bit of a misery tour out the back of Polis along a beautifully tarmac'd road which came to an abrupt halt and the tarmac disappeared and was replaced by dust!!

We passed massive fields that were full of watermelon like the ones in the picture above (not mine, I was driving!!) which had just been let to rot where they lay and then fields where people were hand picking black eyed beans - bent over in the full heat of the day and it was hot again today.

Sheila and Klaus were fine - Sheila is feeling tons better than she had been when we went for lunch which is good news.  They made Mum and I very welcome and we spent time with them having a cuppa and a chat.  Sheila had very kindly made me some ladybirds to go in the garden.  Painting stones is a new hobby that she and Klaus have taken up and they are really enjoying it.

We left Sheila and Klaus's and had a little drive along the front at Latchi as far as the turn off to the Baths of Aphrodite and then back.  The restaurants were quite busy and outside Periyali there was a big old Mazarati parked up - but then knowing the price of the fish there now you have to be someone who earns mega bucks and drives a posh car to be able to afford to go!!!

We got back just in time to hear Leeds score the only goal of the match much to John's dismay - let's just say this season is looking the complete opposite to the last - we are bottom of the league apparently.

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