Tuesday 3 May 2011

Day 2

Before I say anything else can I ask any of our friends who are on Skype to let us have their details so that we can contact you...

After a very pleasant evening last night we all managed a lie-in this morning - the weather seems to have improved in Cyprus - we must have brought the sun with us and the sandstorm moved away from Emba and is lying over Polis and Droushia!

John went up to Droushia this afternoon to deliver yet more stuff!  We now own a multi-ladder set which was dropped off along with the Gazebo and a drinks cooler.  He was in all out panic mode as he thought our belongings were going to arrive in two weeks - had he had his mobile with him (and the clue is in the word MOBILE) he would have taken the call from the shippers which confirmed that the container was being loaded today and would arrive on 21st May in Cyprus and be with us a couple of days or so later. 

Whilst John was out Mum and I went to play PickleBall which is a form of tennis played with a paddle and airball.  Unlike the picture we were outside at the Imperial Hotel and it was very hot.  There were six of us who played for an hour and a half this afternoon and I can tell you I was very grateful for the breaks we had between games.  I cant tell you how spritely and competitive 5 septegenarians can be!!

We are now all back at home together having had tea and just about to embark on a game of crib.  We have given Dad his Advent Vega Tablet and introduced him to the delights of Angry Birds!!  He is busy with Soduko at the moment and Mum is about to try and Skype my sister.  Oh the wonders of technology!!!

We have a full day tomorrow up at Droushia - the electrician is due at 9.00am and as he lives in the village is unlikely to be late.  I think we are doing wall prep ready for painting.  Will try and remember the camera so that people can see how the villa is progressing.

1 comment:

  1. Did John forget his mobile? Must be Janice's fault / family trait, because she does it too!


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