Wednesday 4 May 2011

Day 3

First of all apologies if this posting is full of typos but I am exhausted as we have just spent the whole day up at the house and there is soooooooo much to do.  Even John says that he is aching now.

Dad, John and I had to be up at the house early to meet with the electricians because as some of you may or may not know when our house was built it was a bit of an after-thought tucked in behind the other villas and our electric was tapped, Clampit fashion, off of next door!!  Now this wasnt a problem when Villas 10a and 10b were subject to a tenancy agreement and Cyprotels paid for the electric but now that the tenancy agreement has finished we really need to have our own supply!  We have been trying to sort this for months if not years and it is coming together in typical Cypriot slowly slowly fashion. 

What we thought was going to be a fairly quick job as we thought they were only surveying for the cables to come from the road to our house turned out to be something more like a major rewire but at least we will know that the electric complies to standards and is safe.  As a result we couldnt get on with anything in the house so we had to tackle the garden instead which meant hours of clipping, weeding and pickaxing the root balls.

 This is not our garden but it is the view from our garden so that you can all see that in Spring Cyprus is very green and full of lovely wild flowers almost reminiscent of an English country meadow.  I couldnt bring myself to pull up the wild poppies that have self seeded in our garden nor some little forget-me-not type plants however I clearly have a lot to learn because I keep leaving plants because they look quite pretty and Dad keeps telling me that they are an absolute sod if they take hold and I should whip them out now!

After lunch at the Karithea Dad came back to clean the pool which he was unable to do whilst the electric guys were around and then went home- wise man (no pun intended).  John and I continued on for another three or so hours painting walls, scraping off plaster and cleaning.  When we came to leave it didnt look like we had even touched the surface so you can guess what we will be doing tomorrow and for the foreseeable future!

We are now back at Mum's showered and clean and looking forward to her curry. 

The picture below is for John's mum who gave us a Home Sweet Home sign for the new house - this is what it looks like at the moment...

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