Friday 6 May 2011

Day 5

The next few weeks' worth of postings are going to be very boring to those of you who aren't into DIY!!!

We had to be up early today to get to Droushia before the Granite/Marble man/men who were coming to fit the worksurfaces in the Kitchen.  Mum and Dad were coming later to give a hand with whatever needed doing and arrived shortly after the kitchen people.

John is now to be known as Site Sup (pronounced soup) or SS to me as he could give Goring a run for his money when it comes to giving orders!!!  I have been promoted to PF or Part Four - which is a naval term for some little scroat way down the pecking order.  SF (Site Foreman) and TLH (Trusty Little Helper) remain unchanged.   John is perturbed and confused as to how he got to get the wets in (make coffee) when he is SS and clearly this is a supervisory role!

TLH and I got on with painting whilst the kitchen people were working and kept them well amused with our singing or attempts at singing.  Dad did his "I've Come to Clean the Pool" routine (conjures up images of Tommy Allan at our New Year's Eve Olympics night) and John continued with the filling and skimming.

Slight cock up as we overlooked the fact that the kitchen men would need to cut and grind the granite in situ - it is dark brown and black so the newly painted magnolia has now taken on a slightly different hue!
Anyway all was successful and passed the Wiseman/Tregunna scrutiny test (check out the matching hats - and they share the same birthday!!)

I can't believe how much room John seems to have made from what seemed like such a pokey kitchen previously - I think I may need to buy some more Denby to fill the cupboards - although the packer from Adam Chumley-Wumley would disagree!

The remainder of the day went smoothly and SF and TLH did an absolutely sterling job of clearing the garden outside our back door - you cannot believe how hardy the plants are bearing in mind that they get very little water and no TLC.  We are very conscious that they are enthusiastic and want to help but we don't want them overdoing things.  They clocked off at about 2.30 - just as well as Mum was i/c tea tonight - although I do know that she had put a tasty little something in the slow cooker this morning.

We finished an hour or so later - we just couldn't face any more painting - having been up and down and up and down ladders all day - with the high sloping roof there is only so much that I can manage even if I balance precariously on the top rung - top tip is not to wear thin flip flops whilst on a ladder because you end up with the soles of your feet and your arches aching for England - or should that now be Cyprus??

Anyway you can see from the picture the state of our lounge/dining room - we have an awful lot of clearing and cleaning to do before our furniture can go in hence the need to get things done sooner rather than later.

On the way home I made John stop at a field I had seen just down below our house.  We are both absolutely amazed at how green and lush everything is at the moment and the wild flowers are beautiful and very varied.  MAY would seem to be a very very good month if anyone is planning a visit.  It isn't too hot and the landscape doesnt look too tired yet.

Just having a laugh at Mum and Dad's cat Missy who has just had a gentleman caller - HP from next door - although HP has been done he hangs around Missy like a lovesick teenager and she is singularly unimpressed - giving him one of her 'stares'!  As I have nicknamed her Ugly Betty for obvious reasons I dont think she can afford to be so picky!

Standby for more DIY updates pop pickers!!!

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