Sunday 23 October 2011

House Sitting over...

I spent a very pleasant evening around at Janice and Ray's and it was nice to have some company.  Ray offered to take me to Lidl today which is good as I need to stock up on cheese and marmalade and that is the best place to get it.

Missy came in when I returned home and took up residence on Mum and Dad's bed settled for the night.  I managed to suss out Dad's TV and the million remote controls and watched a couple of programmes before retiring myself.

A good night's sleep was broken by the builders across the road from Mum and John texting me to tell me that the digger was working in the field next to our house - he thought itmight be a bit noisy if they were planning to come for lunch!

This morning I sat out on the patio enjoying the morning sunshine and trying to read my book but I was disturbed by the constant crying of a kitten.  I eventually tracked it down under one of the orange trees opposite Mum and Dad's house.  It could be Chivers' sister as it is about the same age and colouring but with slightly longer fur.  It is however, much more feral and I couldnt get close.  I put some biscuits down but Rosie and Dave's cat HP just tucked into them. 

I did my bit of shopping at Lidl and on my return Mum and Dad had got back from their little break.  They said that they had had a really nice couple of days and that the Golden Wedding celebrations for their friends had gone well and the Two Flowers had done them proud.

I showed Mum where the kitten was and we tried to catch it but it wasnt having any of it.  If we had, or if Mum and Dad do, it will go to the rescue centre, with Chivers only just on the mend we cant run the risk of introducing any nasties plus John has said very firmly NO!

Anyway Mum and Dad weren't bothered about the digger so we picked up a few bits from Paps and chucked my stuff into the car and made our way up to Droushia.  Once again it has been the most fantastic day and we were lucky enough to be able to sit outside and have our lunch - cant be bad for the back end of October in Droushia can it?  The digger stopped periodically so really it didnt bother us too much at all.

Lunch over, Chivers decided to come out into the garden and investigate.  He just loves sitting in the sunshine plus he got to spend some time with Grandad!! 

He isnt too brave and so keeps reasonably close but he had his first chase of a gecko and a lizard and very nearly got both! 

He keeps disappearing as he is camouflaged against the stones and shingle!

The garden is actually looking lovely as it has perked up from the tired washed-out days of the hot Summer.

I have finally got round to planting up the old toilet that we decided to keep as a feature in the garden - I was all set to get John to get rid of it but so many people said we ought to keep it that we decided we would.  Most of the cuttings are from plants that were flowering in my Sister's garden when we went back in August.

Mum and Dad have now gone home and the sun has gone down so we have got the footie on, candles lit, tea in the oven and red wine on the go. 

Chivers is all snuggled up in one of the fleece blankets - he is so cute you could just eat him - I know that all owners think their cat is the best but come on you have to admit...

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