Saturday 22 June 2019

Family all together

I learned my lesson from yesterday and so today I got John to take the photographs so I didn't lose them - I am so annoyed with myself that I could have been so stupid but hey ho it is only for the blog after all and Mum doesnt like having her photograph taken at the best of times and now the SIM Card will be clear for the photographs I want to take at the wedding!!!

We have been so busy of late and I am beginning to feel completely stuffed of food - we had a lovely meal yesterday at the Farmyard and we are due a lovely meal tomorrow at Les Amis but in between there is Sunday and Sunday is always spent chez nous!!!

I am running out of ideas so today we are having a stuffed chicken joint from Lidl like the one we had at Christmas only this one doesn't look quite the same and actually didn't cook quite the same.  It is stuffed with lounza and halloumi and wrapped in a sort of skin and net - I can't remember removing the net or crisping the skin at Christmas - perhaps I did???  Anyway I was keeping it simple by serving it with a sauce and minted new potatoes and some coleslaw, and I must thank Sheila and Klaus for bringing up the mint for the potatoes because mine is, pardon the vernacular, CRAP!!

It was a much nicer day weather-wise than yesterday so we were able to sit outside for a pre-lunch drinkie and then for lunch itself which is good because five around our little dining table can be a bit cosy!  Chivers decided to get in on the act for the pre-lunch drinkies - he is now almost fully recovered - his fur is growing back and he only has a little crusty scar remaining - we need to keep an eye on it just in case any stitches start extracting themselves.

With John in control of the camera and with his long arms we were able to get a photograph of the five of us enjoying our meal.  I cannot believe that Joyce and David's extended break is nearly over - now that the temperature is beginning to ramp up they will probably be glad to be returning to cooler climes.  They usually come in October for that reason but when they were here last time I suggested that if they were planning to return this year they might like to do so in conjunction with Mum's birthday.

We spent much of the remainder of the afternoon sifting through my box of old photographs and papers which relate to Dad's side of the family, like old birth certificates for great, great and probably another great, grandparents.  Uncle David did a family tree some years ago which I have all beautifully written in copperplate and done by someone who had no access to the internet.  What a labour of love that must have been and how fascinating to know that one of my ancestors was called Zenobia and here in Cyprus there is a dive site to the wreck of the Zenobia which is reckoned to be one of the ten best in the world.  If you want more information on Queen Zenobia you can find it Here. 

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