Monday 18 October 2021

Doctor Doctor

So today a trip to the Doctors was in order.  John really has been poorly and he is never ill.  Reluctantly we had to make the decision to cancel our night out on Wednesday with Di and Rob.  I was so looking forward to seeing them and to listen to Rhys play on one of his final performances before he returns to the UK but we wanted to be fair to Di and Rob and offer them to take someone else or go alone and to be fair to Rachel so that she could resell the table if possible.  

We arrived at the Doctors and I said I would wait in the car unless John thought he was going to be some time.  The beauty here is that you can actually pitch up at the Doctors and take your chance.  John was in and out in no time and the Doctor confirmed that it was a bout of Strep Throat the same as he had had previously so prescribed some horse pill sized anti-biotics and a throat spray and was told he would be contagious until the day after tomorrow.  At least we know and now John has the right stuff to make sure he recovers as quickly as possible.   The throat spray was an over the counter jobbie so I was able to get one for Stan who has exactly the same symptoms bless him and is feeling very sorry for himself and to be fair he really has looked rough.

Dr Manolis said that if we ladies were going to catch it we would have done so by now but to keep in our little 'bubble' for another 24/48 hours and then it would be ok to mix and the menfolk should be feeling a bit better by then anyway.  So we suggested that if Stan felt up to it he should drive J&J up early afternoon and we could have a bit of food together for a change of scenery which he did.  He seemed to rally a bit during the day which was a good sign but was feeling the cold even though it was a warm day so we sat outside to eat and then retired to the Do-Jo where it was warm and comfy.  This included Boris who decided to try his best to befriend Janet who is not a lover of cats!

It is a real shame that this is impacting on their holiday but we are trying to make the best of it - good job they are here for 3 weeks!  Let's hope that they both start to see and improvement tomorrow and then we can take things from there.

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